Wednesday, May 7, 2008

eScience Labs

I hate it when I run across a concept that thrills me but for which my children are just too young. eScience Labs is just one such concept.

Far too often I hear homeschool moms of high schoolers lamenting their terror of teaching science and worst of all, teaching the labs. Far too many homeschooling parents have no knowledge about how to set up these labs and have a real dread about teaching them. eScience Labs appears to be the perfect product for all these terrified parents.

Just look at one of their high quality teaching videos

They even have a video that emphasizes safety in the lab, even if your lab is in the kitchen.

I really like their philosophy:
our primary mission is to expose students to the marvels of science, we don't want to exclude anyone.

For each topic presented we provide an online video introduction to help the student grasp and focus on the key concepts. Every lab is written with a carefully crafted, sequential introduction to lay the foundation for the experiments being performed. It is our intent that by the time they perform the lab, the student has the background and tools to ensure that it is a learning experience.

I know that these kits are for high school students, but I am seriously considering buying one to try with Ben and Shira. Ben, especially, is crazy about science and I wonder if some careful teaching won't make it possible that he'll thoroughly enjoy and learn from these kits.

As an educator, you are charged with providing effective learning experiences for your students. Your students are distance learners, however, and unlike in the traditional laboratory setting, your students' laboratory is their kitchen, their bedroom, or possibly their living room.

eScience Labs are far more than your typical "Hands On Kits". The broad academic and teaching backgrounds of our PhD level staff are focused solely on developing the best educational tools possible. We enable students to perform the same experiments they would find in a traditional "Brick and Mortar" academic setting; whether it is an AP high school class, community college or a 4 year college/university.

eScience Labs delivers:

  • Academically sound and thought provoking experiments

  • Flexibility

  • Real life examples

  • Supplementary online content

  • Online, email and telephone support

It is our philosophy that designing quality, well-structured labs takes a back seat only to safety. Some experiments require chemicals and other components that we feel are simply too dangerous for students to perform in an unsupervised environment. However, some of these experiments are important to understand. In these situations, we provide online video demonstrations that clearly and safely convey these concepts. The online content is also an engaging supplement to maximize the experience.

My geeky nature comes to the fore when I discover products like this. I'm almost wishing that Ben and Shira would hurry up their growing so that we could legitimately start using labs from eScience Labs. I love hands on science products that teach concepts hierarchically.

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